The Dragonfly Path

One-on-one coaching program

The Dragonfly Path coaching program is for those who feel stuck in their lives and unable to move forward, and for those who know that they are meant to show up in a bigger and more meaningful way in the world.

A dragonfly symbolizes an expression of the authentic self and the ability to speak our truth in grace and love – it is a transformation to become who we really are.

beautiful green garden at a castle with stairs

How it Works

The Dragonfly Path program is personally designed for each individual so that they can uncover their self-worth, self-confidence, resiliency, and become exactly who they were always meant to be.

As a transformational coach, my approach is unique…

Through awareness, acceptance, and aligned action, I guide clients to get to the very root of what is stopping them from living their greatest life so that it can be cleared on an unconscious level. During our work together, clients become aware of their blind spots, feel empowered, and learn how to compassionately accept all parts of themselves.

Three-or six-month personalized programs are designed for each client after discovering their individual challenges and goals. Just a few of the many results my clients have found are a deeper clarity, freedom from the limiting stories that held them back, and an enriched experience between the mind, body, and spirit.